Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

[02] Amaranth | Chapter #01 - More Than Meets The Eye

Chapter 01 - More Than Meets the Eye
by : Hajime Aikawa

I don't know since when I have this feeling, but I never thought that even an alien like me can have that feeling,
Yes, an alien. That's what they usually called me, because I looked so physically different with them. At first, I saw human as no more than just a host for my offspring. But until that day, my opinion toward them had changed. Maybe it's because I also bear their strain as well, I'm not sure.
It all started at that fateful day, when I was badly wounded because of my battle against that warrior. He was the one who found me unconscious near the complex of his Academy. I'm not sure what is his reason of taking care of me, he must be afraid of me just like the other humans did.
But he didn't.

I woke up in a large room that dominated by the color grey. I saw some of my wounds were patched and bandaged although most of them are almost torn. That time I don't know who did this and who had bring me here.
"So you're already wake up...how's your feeling?" a deep voice from the side of the room made me took a glance to where the voice came.
I opened my mouth to speak, but unfortunately I speak no human language at all even though I can understand it.
"Well I assume you had feeling better, you got some nasty wounds on your body and it's hard dealing with the acidic blood of yours, until I have to use my magic to neutralize it a bit. I wonder what kind of person who can make something...or someone like you wounded that badly..."
Then I remember that fight, my battle with that warrior because I had killed his comrades on my way out of their ship. Maybe it's just my luck that I survived and ended up here.
"Seems like you don't speak our language, but let me introduce myself...my name is Mozart and this is Ignis Academy of mine. I hope you can get better and you can decide what to do next once you're okay...either you can go or stay with us and lend us your strength, because I see some potentials in you. Until then, just rest so you can get better quick...okay?"
Then he left the room. This left me some mixed feeling, because no one ever did this to me. I feel like being comforted and this give me such a nice feeling.
He took care of me until I get better and somehow I felt like I have to repay his kindness. So I decided to stay in Academy and lend my strength for them.

At first it was hard to adapt myself there,especially since he forbid me to harvest from human, blame my genetic habit, so I have to find the alternative with other creatures that live surround there.
Time by time, I started to get along with the others, even though my children often scare those whom kinda unlucky if they met one of them lurking in the darkness. Fortunately even with our genetic intelligence, I can train them so they won't harmful to humans.
Even though I can get along with the others, my mind is still toward that guy. Seems like I can't get him out of my mind. But this time the feeling is somewhat different, it's as if I desired him.

Desired for him being a host for my child?
No,it's different...it's...unexplained...I can't even figure out what kind of feeling is this. But I always wanna be near him. It strangely made me feel calmer, maybe because he's the person who saved my life before.
Sometimes what I did makes him scared,kinda upset and seems like there's nothing I can do about it. It's hard for us to communicate each other for me being an alien, even though I can understand what human said. But with no coherent language that I can speak of, it's hard for me to say that I do care about him and wanna repay his kindness.
"Chet-kun, why you looked so gloomy? Is there anything on your mind?" The pink-haired girl Marysa, Mozart's sister approaches me with one of my child. She's the second person who have enough courage to communicate with me and even not afraid to my child. Only to her I can 'speak' my feeling even though not that perfect.
"Ahh so you wanna talk to my brother but he always afraid of you and your xenos? Hmf...he's somewhat afraid of bugs and he thought that your xenos are like giant bugs to him...but isn't it supposedly he's getting used with it...it's been more than a month you live here and he often saw them around...moreover he's the one who took care of you and letting you live here...stupid brother..." Marysa pouted as she ended her words. I always like her straightforward attitude and she seemed fearless to anything, makes me more comfort to talk to.
"Chet-kun... You like my brother, don't you? "
My eyes widened when Marysa asked it to me. I like Mozart? What the term of 'like' here?
My head tilted to side as an answer.

"Ummm...like as in, you put some attention to someone, you cared about him and you wanna be with him... Stuff like that... Is an alien have that kind of feeling too?"
Like...huh? I'm not even sure if I did, but what Marysa explained to me is sort of true, so maybe it's that feeling that I hold to him so far.
Suddenly Marysa grabbed my hand and said, "Chet-kun, you have my full support... After he lost his couple some times ago, he seemed having no interest to have another and he somehow looked sad if he remember his ex... I hope one day you two can be happy as a couple, of course I'll help... Don't worry, even an alien can love too...love have no boundaries, no? I'll teach you more about this, okay?"
I looked somewhat confused but seems like Marysa really serious to what she said, well she is always serious and will do anything to get what she want. I nodded and smiled a bit. I'm so happy that I finally have someone that I can rely to help me with my feeling.

To be continued


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